sunnuntai 20. heinäkuuta 2014

Business should be personal

"It's not personal, Sonny. It's strictly business"
- Michael Corleone

Its probably not too big a lie to say that most people do their very best to kill the personal from their business. It is easier that way. A clear border between work and freetime.  It is understandable to me. But I wonder why so many of them pay top dollar to bring the personal back. At least a glossed over version.

How about you start creating your brand by allowing your business and your employess to be personal? Is it possible to make the quirky, the rough and the warm an advantage to your business?

I am willing to bet money, that there is an audience (depending on what you are selling, of course) that much rather would take a rough but friendly customer experience over a highly optimized, company approved, according to brand, designed by committee, sleek-but-cold-as-hell option any day of the week.

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